Board Office
Welcome to the Liberal R-2 School District Web Page!
I am pleased that you have taken the time to visit our website and learn more about our school district. I hope that you find our district’s website useful in seeking information about our district and I encourage you to use this website as a resource for gaining information about the school district and your student’s education. Found throughout this website is a variety of helpful information including contact names and phone numbers. The entire Liberal R-2 faculty and staff stand ready to help you in any way possible. Often the individual buildings provide the most help in answering questions or solving problems. However, if I can be of any help, please do not hesitate to contact me at my email address ( or at 417-843-5115.
We want to extend a welcome to all alumni of the Liberal R-2 School District. Being an alumnus of the Liberal R-2 School District myself, I know how important and difficult it is at times to stay current with what is going on in the district as well as staying in contact with former friends, faculty, colleagues, etc. It is our pleasure to help keep you informed about Liberal whether you live across the country or just across town. We hope that the Liberal R-2 website can be a valuable resource for keeping up with upcoming events in the district as well as finding out about other developments.
If you are a chairman of a reunion committee or would like to have information posted about an upcoming alumni event, please send all information to and we will try to get the event posted as soon as possible. Please make sure that it says “Alumni” in the subject line of the email so we can get the information posted in the correct location.
Dr. Ron Mitchell
Superintendent of Schools
Board Members
Brian King-President
John Simpson-Vice President
Beth Bazal
Dean McKibben
Amanda Robertson
Kari Meadows
Kyle Noyes